You may not edit, or modify fonts. Convert to paths and editing in programs such as Illustrator are permitted, provided the results are not converted back to font software for redistribution.
You cannot redistribute fonts because copyright is still with us.
Editing and / or changing the font name is not permitted, this is not an original font creation and does not negate the original license terms. The device can provide special font designs, adaptations and related licenses for all your needs.
Using font elements as the basis for new fonts is not permitted.
If you want the font to be used as part of the campaign, and need other agencies or individuals to use the same font, they must buy their own license from us as the seller and owner of the copyright font. The correct way to do this is to include the retailer’s URL or Device ( in your material. The retailer list is currently available in the “Fonts Device Information” file.
Respect for copyright – the legal consequences of using non-licensed or adapted fonts can be very expensive and result in the removal of all offensive copies. Poorly adapted fonts are often found to have a number of serious technical and design errors, the most common being missing kerning (contextual letter space), missing characters, bad spaces, incorrect point construction, clash ID fonts and missing counters because of the wrong direction.
More details will be add on the following files once item downloaded.
For more information about extended license, please send message to email
This license is valid for purchasing font products from July 18, 2021.